Cosmetologists who want to execute their profession in the state of Ohio must hold the appropriate Ohio cosmetology license from the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology. Naturally, applicants must meet specific requirements before they can obtain this license. To learn more about these requirements Ohio cosmetology license requirements, and the state examination that needs to be passed before a license can be obtained, please read the information below.
What Are the Education Requirements for the Ohio Cosmetology License?
To acquire your Ohio Cosmetology License, you will need at least 1500 hours of training at an accredited school. Once applicants have completed this education, they can apply for the Ohio cosmetology state exam.
Once you have applied for an Ohio cosmetology license, you can check its status and verify another license through the Ohio state board of cosmetology license lookup. This information from the Ohio state board of cosmetology is all considered the public record.
What Can You Tell Me About the Examination for the Ohio Cosmetology License?
Before Ohio Cosmetology License applicants can sit the exam, they need to submit their application to the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology. If the application is accepted, an examination date will be scheduled by the state of Ohio.
Examination dates are usually scheduled within three to five weeks from the receipt or approval of the application. Applicants will receive a confirmation and the official date of the exam via email. If an applicant has a question about the examination date or the exam itself, the applicant can contact the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology by calling (614)-466-3834.
You can prepare for the exam through several Ohio state board of cosmetology practice tests that can be found online.
What Happens If I Miss the Examination Because of Unforeseen Circumstances?
Applicants who miss their exam and do not attend may be required to pay a no-show fee. However, this fee only applies to applicants who have not notified the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology 24 hours before the examination takes place.
If you fail to attend your original examination, applicants will have to pay a rescheduling fee to take the exam. If you have not notified the State Board of Cosmetology Ohio 24 hours before the examination, then you will be required to pay an extra charge depending on the examinations you are taking. For practical, applicants will be required to pay an extra $80. For advanced examinations, the cost also amounts to $40.
Please note that examination cancellations will not be accepted over the phone or by a voice message. A cancellation can only be made in person or by an official written statement by the applicant. For more information about examination cancellations, please head over to the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology website, or contact the board by telephone.
How to file a complaint Ohio state board of cosmetology?
First and foremost, you will need this complaint form right here. One can file a complaint at the Ohio state board of cosmetology under the following circumstances which are witnessed in a salon, tanning facility or cosmetology schools:
1. Unlicensed Individual
2. Unlicensed Salon
3. Unlicensed Facility or School
4. An uncertified person is performing or providing services that of a licensed aesthetician, natural hair stylist, manicurist, cosmetologist and others.
5. Sanitary issues within a salon, tanning facility or cosmetology school
However, you must only formally file a complaint at the cosmetology state board Ohio after you have evaluated the situation at hand and how you feel about it. Ask yourself these questions:
- Is this service related (poor haircut or coloring)? If it is, The Ohio cosmetology state board does NOT have jurisdiction to enforce sanctions on service-related complaints. It is under the advice of the Better Business Bureau (BBB).
- Are you willing to provide your contact details? Please remember that all complaints received by the state board of cosmetology Ohio are subject to public records law.
- Did you try to speak with the manager of the establishment to resolve the issue? If you bring this issue to their attention, perhaps they can solve it without intervention from the Ohio state board cosmetology.
How Does the Exam for the Ohio Cosmetology License Work?
At the start of the examination, you will be assigned to a workstation. Each examinee has their workstation; this is to prevent cheating from occurring during the test. Subsequently, communication with other examinees during the exam is strictly forbidden.
There are other rules and regulations that apply to the cosmetology license examination. Firstly, examinees are not allowed to bring any written material into the examination room. However, examinees can have written material that is provided by the board or the examiners.
The examinee must also leave any pagers, cell phones, or any other mobile devices out of the examination room. If you have no place to put these devices, they should be given to the exam officials before you sit at your workstation.
If you break or violate any of the rules laid out by the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology during the examination, you will be dismissed from the examination room and you will automatically fail the exam. Depending on the severity of the violation, you could be prohibited from taken the exam again in the future.
To prepare adequately for the exam, applicants can find cosmetology practice and theory testing information packets on the website of the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology. Please make sure you read through these packages before the start of your exam to ensure you are properly prepared. By reading the information packages, you also increase the chances of passing your exam.
Do I Have to Renew My Ohio Cosmetology License After Obtaining It?
Cosmetologists who hold an Ohio Cosmetology License are required to renew their license every two years at the board of cosmetology Ohio state. Each license expires on the 31st of every odd-numbered year. Therefore, license holders should look to renew their license at least thirty days before their license is set to expire.
Failing to pay the fee for your renewed license can cause your license to become lapsed; this usually happens when a license holder fails to pay the fee for two consecutive license terms (four years).
Renewing your license from a lapsed status is more difficult than renewing your Ohio cosmetology license in general. Firstly, you must pay all the outstanding and current licensing fees. In addition to that, you must also complete all the CE units of all the years your license has lapsed.
CE is an abbreviation that stands for continuing education, which is required to renew your license. Continuing education can be obtained from course providers that have been approved by the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology. Therefore, license holders must provide a certificate of completion with their application.
Please note that four of the required continuing education hours must relate to infection control and client safety. If these hours are missing, then your license cannot be renewed.
To ensure you meet all the requirements for continuing education on your license, it is advised to check the list of approved CE classes on the website of the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology. Please note that there are different CE courses for different professions. Therefore, the CE courses for barbers and hairdressers will be different than the CE courses needed for cosmetologists.
Where Can I Renew My Ohio Cosmetology License?
For those who need to have their Ohio Cosmetology License Renewal, the Ohio Cosmetology License can be renewed on the website of the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology. To renew your license, simply click on the link provided on the appropriate page and follow the instructions on the screen.
Please note that computer and internet access is required to renew your license. If you do not own an email account, the website can provide you with instructions on how to create a free email account which you can use to renew your license.
What is an Escrow License?
Section 4713.61 of the cosmetology Ohio state board Revised Code allows them to classify a license as “Inactive” for those who are not currently practicing in the field of cosmetology, but who desire to do so in the future. An Inactive license is also called an escrow license in the Ohio state board of cosmetology.
How long can a license be kept in escrow?
According to the Ohio board of cosmetology, one may keep their license in escrow indefinitely as long as you continue to pay the renewal fee each renewal period.
What is an independent Contractor License?
As written on the Ohio state board of official cosmetology website, continuing education is required from all the ohio cosmetology board licensees who wish to keep their license active when they renew. The two exceptions to the continuing education requirement are those with an application stating they are renewing their first cosmetology license and those who are at 65 years of age, on or before the expiration date of the Ohio cosmetology license renewal period. The continuing education can be completed through the following:
- cosmetology program courses offered on the internet
- On-Site Courses at any school or even a salon
- Correspondence Courses via email
The list of approved continuing education classes from the Ohio Department of cosmetology is updated monthly and available on the Ohio cosmetology website.